LDI Professional Development Resources
Broaden your knowledge and skills
Working in landscape design requires continual professional development in a wide range of fields.
We have conducted many professional development events for LDI members over the past few years, and are happy to be able to provide you links to material from seminars, events and webinars. If you attended the event this may help consolidate the knowledge gained. If you were unable to attend this provides you with the opportunity to view the information presented.
The sharing of skills and knowledge between members is an important part of building our LDI community. If you would like to mentor another member or have prepared a document or presentation on a topic you think would be of interest to members please email hello@ldi.com.au
For Upcoming Events click below, it will take you to LDI Home our public website
Previous Webinars & Presentations
We have saved our resources into a collection of topics and themes: